
PBA student reads the bible with arm outstretched at the front of chapel.

教育部学院 at Palm Beach Atlantic University



我们的神学院 十年前才开始,有热情的教师和十四名热切的学生. 我们的梦想 然后是一个多教派的神学院,在福音派的传统中,只有一个使命:用知识装备耶稣的追随者, 技能, and character for twenty-first-century ministry for God’s Kingdom.

我们的位置 is the urban multicultural melting pot of 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您, the most “never churched” city in America (Barna). 我们的 evangelical commitment is expressed in spiritual formation, 神学上的反射, and gospel proclamation through word and works.

我们的学术团体 represents the beauty of the diverse and multi-ethnic body of Christ. 我们的伙伴关系 超过七十五个充满活力的教会,跨越许多传统和文化,为学习环境注入活力.

今天, 我们激动人心的旅程 is one of awe and wonder at God’s faithfulness. 我们的校友 are thriving in Kingdom work, 从牧师到牧师, from community builders to ministers among displaced peoples, 从Ph.D. students to Bible teachers.

我们的故事 是成长,我们邀请吗  成为它的一部分!



神学硕士(M.Div.)仍然是 “黄金标准”学位 for students preparing for vocational Christian ministry. The curriculum is anchored in the areas of Bible, 圣经的语言, 历史, 神学, 以及实际的事工. 它还包括 学徒制,为学生提供在重要的地方政府部门的实践经验. 我们的流线型M.Div. is 72 hours and can be completed in as few as two years.


Master of Arts, Intercultural Studies

The Master of Arts, Intercultural Studies (MAIS) is an emerging area of theological education in our globalized world. MAIS旨在为学生在跨文化背景下的职业生涯做好准备. 课程提供 advanced theological engagement with pressing missiological questions 根据圣经和基督教信仰和实践的丰富遗产. The MAIS is 36 hours and can be completed in two years. The first cohort will be in Fall 2021 (pending approval by SACSCOC).


Ph.D. 实用神学

我们的Ph值.D. 实用神学 begins with a 两年的项目 of coursework designed to train scholar-leaders to work within a diversity of theological specializations.


Master of Arts, Christian Studies

The Master of Arts, Christian Studies (MACS) provides a graduate-level understanding of theological disciplines 对于想要研究生神学学习但不追求全职职业事工的平信徒. This degree is designed to provide students with both advanced theological education 也有机会专注于对他们神学兴趣重要的课题. The MACS is 36 hours and can be completed in one and a half years.


Master of Arts, Philosophy of Religion

The Master of Arts, Philosophy of Religion (MAPR) provides 对宗教哲学的严谨研究,为人类的繁荣追求智慧和知识. Fueled by the conviction that all truth finds its source in Christ, MAPR是为追求学术职业或辅助教会事工的学生设计的. 这也是为那些谁渴望在宗教哲学研究生学习,但不追求全职职业事工. The MAPR is 36 hours and can be completed in two years.


神学硕士 Concentration In Black Church Studies

唯一以大学为基础的神学硕士课程,为南佛罗里达州的多元化神学社区服务. 我们的 愿景 for our partnership with Florida Memorial University is to 资源 基督教教会 通过持续的 intercultural, interconfessional, and intergenerational engagement.



Master Of Arts, Community Transformation And Chaplaincy

社区转型中心的学位课程为学生提供专业技能 catalyzing positive change in communities. Through a combination of coursework, 实践经验, and a focus on vocational integration, 毕业生将具备有效应对社会挑战和追求有意义的合作职业机会,如 牧师服务, 非营利组织的工作, 社区组织, para-church部委, or entrepreneurial pursuits that align with their passion for community transformation.



社区转型中心的学位课程为学生提供专业技能 catalyzing positive change in communities. Through a combination of coursework, 实践经验, and a focus on vocational integration, 毕业生将具备有效应对社会挑战和追求有意义的合作职业机会,如 牧师服务, 非营利组织的工作, 社区组织, para-church部委, or entrepreneurial pursuits that align with their passion for community transformation.



In partnership with other schools within Palm Beach Atlantic University, we offer three joint/dual degrees. 这些学位课程所需的总学时比单独获得每个学位所需的学时要少. 这三种配置使学生有机会参与综合跨学科课程,为学生准备知识, 技能, and character for a variety of vocations in Christian ministry.

学生将发展神学深度和管理敏锐度,以便在教会或副教会组织中有效地执行和管理职务. The MDiv/MBA is 93 credit hours and can be completed in three years.

学生将把神学学习与心理健康理论和实践相结合,在教会或副教会环境中有效地服侍和咨询职业. The MDiv+MHC is 117 credit hours and can be completed in four years.

Students will develop the theological, 经济, 和哲学知识,以实施战略和政策的有效发展实践在降落伞和全球设置. MACS+MSGD是72个学分,可以在短短两年内完成.

马特·赖斯,M. Div 2017

Ph.D., 爱丁堡大学, 在南佛罗里达的侨民中研究巴西evangaclios的身份和使命.

“MDiv对此有所帮助 stretch my intellect and challenged me to step out of my comfort zone. 我遇到了来自不同教派背景的同事,我从他们和我的教授那里学到了很多东西. 这两个项目都有 sparked my interest and prepared me to continue my postgraduate studies.

“我很感激PBA教会我神学思维,让我为这次冒险做好准备, connecting me with local ministry opportunities, and giving me a strong community.”


新一代牧师. oneelife教堂(奥罗拉. 上校)

“To engage in emotionally healthy, 精神上的充实, 和卓有成效的事工, 你必须接受更多关于如何思考而不是思考什么的训练, asks tough theological questions, offers opportunities for real-life experience, 挑战你成长为一个完整的人,超越你的想象. This is the type of ministry training that I received, as I pursue my calling in Biblical Studies and higher education.”

Melissa Mandala (MDiv, 2019)

研究生,St. 安德鲁的大学, Scotland Founder/Chair of the Student Group, Institute for Biblical Research Pastoral Intern, First Presbyterian Church in North Palm Beach (FL)

“目前,我是一个俄语教会的主植堂者/牧师. PBA helped me to get prepared for my ministry in multiple ways, including the highest standard of theological education.”

Daniel Naberezhny (MDiv, 2019)

Lead Church Planter/Pastor (Boca Raton, FL)

“PBA教会了我要同情那些处于社会边缘的人,并在有爱心和背景的情况下对这些人说真话. 这种教育扩大了我对自己的西方神学世界观的理解, and how to properly remove this framework as I share the love of Jesus.”

金·埃利斯(MDiv, 2019)

Serving Vulnerable Peoples

“Not only did I gain the 技能 to become a more independent researcher, but also I learned to think within a community. 这个社区, 包括它的教员, encouraged and challenged me to go beyond my perceived capabilities. 正是在PBA,我意识到自己对教学和圣经手稿的热情. 现在, I am nearing the end of my PhD on one of our most important manuscripts, 食典委梵蒂冈, while teaching Greek to students at the University of Cambridge.


杰西·格伦兹(MDiv, 2016)

Ph.D., University of Cambridge, working on Codex Vaticanus

“我有机会在周日讲道,并监督我们校园多地点结构中的所有事工. 如果没有我在PBA的教育和培训,我不可能做我现在做的事情. 他们的“综合”神学院结构真正为学生准备了他们在神学/圣经研究中所学的知识,并将其应用于实践事工.”

乔丹·马塞夫(MIDiv). 2017)

Southwest Campus Pastor, Westside Baptist Church (Gainsville, FL)

“能够参与多元文化的事工对我们的社区至关重要, 因此,PBA在我的硕士学位期间提供的课堂和学徒培训帮助我们有效地服务和团结了这个历史上以分裂和偏见为标志的地区的不同人口.”

Daniel Judge (MDiv, 2016)

Reservoir Campus College Pastor, Pinelake Church (Brandon, MS)

“PBA帮助发展和培养高水平的圣经研究,可以很容易地融入日常的领导和牧养. 我的教授们既挑战又鼓励我,不仅要培养我的能力,还要培养我的品格. I loved my cohort and the journey was a huge blessing!”

Stephen Kimpel (MDiv, 2016)

Associate Pastor, LifePoint Church (League City, TX)


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